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A Day in the Life of a Kandalore Camper
Typical Day

Your Morning
Your morning will begin at 7:30 when you and your cabin mates are woken up by your two counsellors. Having already picked your activities the day before, you are excited for the day ahead. Along with your counsellors, you and your cabin mates will head off to the dining hall, first stopping at the washroom which is next to your cabin to brush your teeth and get ready for the day.
After breakfast and announcements you’ll head back to your cabin to do a quick tidy up and put on sunscreen, your bathing suit, or anything else you need for your three morning activities.
Then you will head to Centre Camp, where everyone in camp will be, to meet up with your activity counsellor and start your morning. After your morning activities, there’s free time where you can connect with friends before lunch.

Meals at the Dining Hall
The Dining Hall is a really fun place to be. You will always eat with your cabin group and counsellors so you can check in with each other about your day. Every meal is delicious and has lots of different options to choose from. In addition to the main meal which your counsellor will help serve, there are our two food bars which have tons of breakfast options in the morning (such as bagels, fresh fruit, yogurt and granola) and salad bar options at lunch and dinner (such as three different prepared salads and a build your own salad section).

Your Afternoon
After lunch you’ll head back to your cabin for Rest Hour – an awesome time to relax, connect with your cabin mates and get out of the sun.
After Rest Hour, you’ll head back to Centre Camp where you will start your afternoon of activities and adventures. After your three afternoon activities, you’ll meet up with your cabin group to do a fun free time activity – you may go tubing, hit up the water trampoline, or do another fun activity! Then it’s time to head over to dinner with your cabin group.

Your Evening
After dinner you’ll watch some funny skits as the counsellors in your section reveal what you are doing for Evening Program that night. You might play a giant game of capture the flag, a build your own raft challenge, a section tubing night or a giant photo scavenger hunt. Every evening is something new and exciting to look forward to.
Several times during your session there will be an Evening Program the whole camp does together, like carnival, campfire, a giant camp wide game like ‘all camp chaos’ or, of course, Regatta!

Canoe Trip
Throughout your stay at Kandalore you and your cabin mates will get to go on a canoe trip. Our canoe tripping program is set up to allow campers to progress and grow so that they are confident with each new challenge from year to year. You’ll have the chance to learn new skills and to get to know your cabin mates even more on trip!
Daily Schedule

7:15 – 7:30 | Wake up |
8:00 – 8:45 | Breakfast |
8:45 – 9:15 | Cabin clean-up |
9:15 – 10:10 | Activity period 1 |
10:10 – 11:05 | Activity period 2 |
11:05 – 12:00 | Activity period 3 |
12:00 – 12:30 | Free time |
12:30 – 1:15 | Lunch |
1:15 – 2:15 | Rest hour |
2:15 – 3:10 | Activity period 1 |
3:10 – 4:05 | Activity period 2 |
4:05 – 5:00 | Activity period 3 |
5:00 – 5:45 | Free activity/swim |
5:45 – 6:30 | Dinner |
6:30 – 7:15 | Free Time |
7:15 – 8:30 | Evening Program |
8:30 – lights out | Cabin Time |
2, 4 & 1 Week, & 5-Day Session Overviews
2 Week Programs (ages 7-16)
Our 2 Week program is filled with exciting new experiences. It’s the perfect length for a camper to try everything Kandalore has to offer all while building their own schedule.
Campers will have the opportunity to choose their own adventure each day by selecting their activities the night before. Every day they’ll do swimming and canoeing lessons with their section, broken into small class sizes, as well as four other activities of their choice. It’s incredible to think of the independence they’ll gain as they move from waterskiing to high ropes to archery – a new adventure at every turn.
All Kandalore campers will experience a canoe trip during their time at camp. Our Prep Juniors (ages 6-11) start with a two or three day flat water trip in the Leslie Frost Centre, a conservation area surrounding Kandalore.
Our Inters (ages 12-13) experience their first white water clinic and 4 day trip down either the Madawaska, French or Mattawa rivers. All three rivers are perfect to learn on.
Our Seniors (ages 14-15) experience a 5 or 7 day trip which includes whitewater and flatwater skills on the Madawaska, Magnetawan, Spanish, Noire or Petawawa rivers. Each canoe trip is unique and helps create a strong bond within the group as they go through these experiences with their cabin mates.
Campers will enjoy all aspects of the Kandalore experience including all-camp events, evening programs, canoe trip and, of course, Regatta!
4 Week Programs (ages 7-16)
Our 4 Week program encompasses many of the same elements of our 2 Week programs but allows campers even more opportunity to connect with friends, learn skills and grow at camp.
Campers will be able to achieve swimming and canoeing certifications all while mastering the activities they enjoy the most.
Our 4 Week campers in our Senior sections have the opportunity to extend their river canoe trips – allowing first year seniors the choice of a 9 day trip, or second year seniors a 12 day trip. These rivers explore Quebec on the Coulonge or Dumoine rivers.
1 Week Programs (ages 6-9)
Our 1 Week campers will live in a cabin with 7-9 other campers who are also in the 1 Week program. The follow the same daily routine as our 2 week campers, but will not have canoeing or swimming lessons each day. In this program, to make sure we can pack in as many fun activities as possible, we pre-plan our 1 week campers’ activities and they will travel as a cabin group with a leader in training (LIT) or staff member to each activity.
Campers will get to experience a canoe trip by staying overnight on the island across the lake from Kandalore. It is about a 15-20 minute paddle and a wonderful opportunity to connect as a cabin group while sleeping in tents, playing games and eating s’mores!
Campers will enjoy all aspects of the Kandalore experience including all-camp events, evening programs, canoe trip and, of course, Regatta!
5-Day Camp (ages 6-8)
Our 5-Day camp is perfect for campers looking to experience overnight camp for the first time. Campers will live in a cabin with 7-9 other campers who are also in the 5-Day program. They follow the same daily routine as our 2 week campers, but will not have canoeing or swimming lessons each day. In this program, to make sure we can pack in as many fun activities as possible, we pre-plan our activity schedule and they will travel as a cabin group with one of their staff members to each activity.
Campers will get to experience canoeing for the first time in a dedicated canoe lesson. Campers will enjoy many aspects of the Kandalore experience including all-camp events, evening programs, activities, musical lunches and more! The 5-Day camp does not include a canoe trip.